Note: Published as The International Electronic Journal of Health Education
Table of Contents
Identification of the Health Educator’s Role in the Management of Fibromyalgia Syndrome Through an Examination of Patients’ Needs
Amy L Bernard, Alice Prince, Patricia A Edsall
When Self-Pleasuring Becomes Self-Destruction: Autoerotic Asphyxiation Paraphilia
Andrew P Jenkins
Development of Conflict Resolution Skills in Infancy and Early Childhood
Barbara C Broadbear, James T Broadbear
Understanding and Managing Job Stress: A Vital Dimension of Workplace Violence Prevention
Behjat A Sharif
Developing a Tool for Youth AIDS Education, The HIV-Specific Health Risk Assessment
Cynthia J Petri, Brian F Geiger, Jiang (JoAnn) Lan, Scott D Winnail
Dissemination and Utilization of an Immunization Curriculum for Middle Schools in California
Deborah Glik, Emil Berkanovic, Fiona Macpherson, Kathleen Strone, Darcy Ratner, Marcy Connell Jones
Silicosis on the Internet
Dale O Ritzel
Tips for Working in Public Health Education
Elaine Ricketts
Focus Group Interviews with College Students about Binge Drinking
James T Broadbear, Terrence P O’Toole, Lisa K Angermeier-Howard
Redefining Classroom Management through Tai Chi: It’s All About Fluidity and Balance
Joseph Donnelly, Wendy Hollenbeck, Norm Eburne
Understanding the Modalities of Complementary and Alternative Asthma Treatments: What Every Health Educator Needs To Know
Karen M Perrin, Karen S Dindial
Leader Gender and Group Functioning in the Sexuality Education Discussion Group
Lyndall Ellingson, Catherine Sherwood-Puzzello
“Does This Stuff Work?” When Health Educators Discuss Dietary Supplements
Mike Perko, Darwin Dennison
The Faith Community as a Delivery System for Technology
Mary Sutherland, Chris Muire, Cynthia Bowman
Self-Esteem and Adolescent Sexual Behavior Among Students at an Elite Bolivian School
Jennifer Morris, Michael Young, Chester Jones
Charting Your Course: Formative Evaluation of a Prostate Cancer Treatment Decision Aid
Susan G Brink, Amelia J Birney, Ann E McFarren
A Guide for Making Presentations of Health Proposals
Thomas Tai-Seale, Hilary Tyler
Teacher Perceptions of a Curriculum-Infused Tobacco Prevention Program for Grades 4 Through 6
Vivien Carver, Bonita Reinert, Lillian M Range, Catherine Campbell
Child Death Review Team Findings: Implications for Health Educators
Virginia J Noland, Brenda Morissette Joly, Karen D Liller
HIV-Related Knowledge and Behavior of Commercial Sex Workers: A Tale of Three Cities
Wayne W Westhoff, Robert J McDermott, Derek R Holcomb